Star Wars:Battlefront

Battlefront is a first- or third- person shooter published by LucasArts and developed by Savage Entertainment. The game is basically in a narrative form, from the point of view of an Imperial Stormtrooper. In each scenario the aim is basically to defeat the current enemy. The player gets to choose from a variety of modes (for instance, Infantry, heavy weapon, engineer).

General Grievous is killed with the help of Obi Wan-Kenobi. Emperor Palpatine has ordered the extermination of Order 66 (a Jedi Order). The 501st Battalion has morphed into a force known as Vadar's Fist (Darth Vadar's personal security and bodyguard). From here onwards the plot really takes on the course of the movie 'The Empire Strikes Back' in that a large number of the 501st Battalion were on the Death Star when it was blown up, and now the Empire seeks revenge for this act.